At Giant Wolf, we want to promote the personal, social and artistic growth of our members.

Through our program we encourage and empower our members to create striking, provocative and original art.

Youth Theatre For All

Giant Wolf is a youth theatre based in the Civic Theatre, Tallaght. We are an affiliated member of Youth Theatre Ireland. We provide workshops and classes that provide an education in acting, writing, directing, choreography and more. Our members range from 14-20.

Giant Wolf Theate Company believes that no one should miss out on education or art due to financial hardship or any other reason. We welcome all people to join us and create exciting, excellent art.

My experience has never been anything but enjoyable. Ideas are encouraged and improved. Giant Wolf has created a place where members feel safe, comfortable and most importantly listened to.
— Member
The young people see the fun and positivity but the parents who worry about their children see that Giant Wolf is more than a theatre group. It is a place of acceptance and belonging for teenagers at a very vulnerable point in their lives. It is a huge tool in pointing our young people in the right direction.
— Member Parent
I would not be on the path I am on without Giant Wolf’s
support and guidance during the most formative years of my life.
— Alumnus