
We welcome new members every February and October. If you’re interested in learning more, send us a message below to be added to our waiting list!


I can’t even explain all the ways Giant Wolf has made my life better. Before I joined, a lot of people were mean to me at school, and they still are, but I don’t care anymore. I was sad all the time. I didn’t want to go to school and I was always so tired and I never wanted, or got a chance, to talk to people. I went to Giant Wolf and I talked to the people there and saw how great people can be. And although unfortunately a lot of people that I know aren’t the best, and everyone at my school doesn’t talk to me, it’s okay because I have people. An amazing group of people that I love so much. Everything I’m sad about ever, everything I ever feel out of place for, Giant Wolf makes it so much better. Giant Wolf has taught me a lot and given me amazing experiences to make art and socialise with wonderful people. Giant Wolf, no matter where it is, is the safest, happiest thing ever. I am so grateful that Lloyd and Cal and Heather go and teach us and talk with us and set up this place and I’m so grateful that I’m happy now.

Giant Wolf has created such an incredible safe space for me, and lots of kids like me. It has created a space where queer and neurodivergent people can be themselves and express themselves without fear of judgement or rejection. The people in Giant Wolf are so compassionate and accepting and willing to learn how best support to it’s members. That’s support that I didn’t get at school and that I don’t get at home. It was the first place in my life I felt safe to exist as I am. My friends in Giant Wolf are my family and I don’t know what I’d do without them!

Giant Wolf the first place where everyone called me by my chosen name, and is where I learned adults can be kind.

I’ve definitely improved my writing and acting! I’ve found it so much easier to make friends and socialise with people, I can actually interact with people myself and have a lot less social anxiety. I just generally feel very comfortable and at home with people there, never feeling alienated or “different” for anything! Especially as a disabled person, never being excluded for not having the same abilities as my peers has made me feel so much better about myself and my situation, as well as made me appreciate and love all the people there.

I feel like I now have the ability to play multiple, wildly different roles in varying productions which is both extremely fun and rewarding. I also feel I’m able to be more specific and critical when judging my own performance as well as the group as a whole. When working on a scene we’re all able to see clearly what parts worked well, what needs work, and what should be cut. It sounds harsh but it’s really valuable to be able to see how individual scenes fit into the bigger picture, and being able to work fast is what allows us to achieve the goal we’re all striving for

I love everyone in the group, they all make me feel like I belong and I see them all as my family. I don’t have enough words to express how grateful I am to be a part of it

My daughter thoroughly enjoys it, the sessions are the highlight of her week. She’s made lots of new friends and the mentors are just amazing. It’s a beautiful, safe and inclusive space that allows them to grow, develop and be challenged in a supportive environment.

Giant Wolf has created such an incredible safe space for me, and lots of kids like me. It has created a space where queer and neurodivergent people can be themselves and express themselves without fear of judgement or rejection. The people in Giant Wolf are so compassionate and accepting and willing to learn how best support to it’s members. That’s support that I didn’t get at school and that I don’t get at home. It was the first place in my life I felt safe to exist as I am. My friends in Giant Wolf are my family and I don’t know what I’d do without them!

Giant Wolf had been such a force for good in the lives of so many kids who really need someone to see them for who they are. They are directly making the world a better place by providing that safe space for us when nobody else will.

Giant Wolf has positively impacted my mental health and helped me gain a huge appreciation for the world of theatre. It has provided a place of belonging, creating a supportive and understanding family in a safe and supportive environment.

Giant wolf genuinely feels like one big supportive family, everyone is so sweet and kind and has helped me so much which everything, even when I mess up I don’t loose it like I used to because I feel safe and comfortable with everyone around me.

I’ve never felt so supported and loved ever. Giant Wolf is truly like a family to me. I’m so happy I joined Giant Wolf it was honestly the best decision of my life.

Giant Wolf has constantly been improving my acting and movement skills, stage combat, making me familiar with the process of show creation. My writing improved, I’ve gotten much better at taking constructive criticism and feedback, I have an improved understanding of backstage work as well as tech and lighting, and a much improved understanding of ensemble. It has positively impacted my mental health and helped me gain a huge appreciation for the world of theatre. It has provided a place of belonging, creating a supportive and understanding family in a safe and supportive environment