We play. We learn. We move. We howl. We improvise. We slay. We act. We write. We laugh. We devise. We direct.

  • Artistic Excellence.

    Through our workshop and performance program, we help our members reach their artistic potential. We cover a wide range of disciplines and topics, from improvisation and ensemble building, to phyiscal theatre and voice work. Through this approach we help our members get a well rounded education in the fundamentals of performing on stage, and push them to strive for artistic excellence.

  • Personal Growth.

    We put our members first. We encourage our members early on to take ownership of what we are creating, and to work together as a tight knit team. Whether its leading warm ups, giving feedback, organising their peers for rehearsals or simply taking responsibility, we support and encourage the personal growth of our members.

  • Social Development.

    Our groups are close. Through rehearsals, social events, trips away and online communication, we encourage our members to be welcoming, inclusive and loving. We have significant LGBTQ+ membership and cultivate a safe, open and welcoming social space for all.

Our classes take place every Sunday in the Civic Theatre in Tallaght. In our workshops, we explore many theatre disciplines, as well as collaborative writing and devising of shows.

Each year we put on two performances per class, one in April, and one in August.

We work in four terms per year:

  • January - March

  • April - June

  • July - September

  • October - December

We have two classes at the moment. We are hoping to expand to include further groups.

Wolves - Our older group encompasses our members who are aged 18-24

Puppies - Our younger group is made up of members aged 14-17